Seven times during the account of creation, God said “it is good,” but here, for the first time, he knew something wasn't right. He knew Adam needed a suitable helper, a partner. Someone to love. Someone to encourage him and to help him. Someone to keep him from being lonely.
God knew we needed that. After all, he created us and knows what we need. He knew he had hard-wired us to connect to others. He knew we needed physical touch. We need hugs and pats on the back and human contact. God didn't create us to be lonesome creatures or to be creatures who only need fellowship with him. He created us to connect with others.
God's plan is for a woman to partner with a man. I think it's a great plan! Eve didn't come from Adam's feet to be trampled by him, or from his head to lord over him, but from his rib to stand by his side. What a beautiful picture. God instituted the family early in the Bible and he hasn't changed his mind.
God knows he can encourage us through the Word and by his Spirit, but he knows we need physical contact and audible encouragement, and he must use others to provide this. Jesus told us to love each other as he loved us. When we do, we get a taste of paradise. When we do, we will say it is good what God has done.